Tag: the Interwebs

Sticking With It

Sticking With It

There’s a lively debate on the Internet over whether or not you should finish every book you start. (Are there things that don’t get debated on the Internet anymore?) I don’t intend to participate in the debate. I think you should do whatever makes you happy. I, personally, finish (almost) every book I start. A …

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Writer’s Block is Real

Writer’s Block is Real

A lot of blogs I’ve read lately boldly proclaim writer’s block is fictional. Many seem convinced it’s a figment of the imagination, an illusory hurdle writers create for themselves, adding to a road already littered with pitfalls. I believe the purpose of these posts is encouragement; to awaken us to the fact that the journey …

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Geek Girl Rant #42

Geek Girl Rant #42

I sometimes rant about pointless things (this is not new). Today’s target? The pointless Disney memes circulating the internet decrying all Disney movies for depicting women who transform themselves for men. I’ll grant that Disney movies are far from perfect, especially the older ones. How many of their movies are guilty of the tired old …

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Positive Inner Voice

Positive Inner Voice

After a recent bout of Insomnia, my eyes are open to a lot of unhealthy practices in my life. Most are stress related, but stress can be generated by our thoughts and attitudes. A small problem can easily become a large one, a string of ill luck can easily turn into a bad day, and …

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Nothing to Hide

Nothing to Hide

So many videos go viral these days, I rarely pay attention. While scrolling through my Facebook newsfeed this one caught my eye. It’s a makeup advertisement (and a few years old it seems). The company asked the most tattooed man in the world – every inch of his body is covered in ink, including his …

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Get Published Podcast

Get Published Podcast

My co-author, James, and I recently appeared on the Get Published Podcast. We talked about long-distance collaboration, self-publishing and, of course, Island of Lost Forevers. I’m a bit late to the punch with this announcement (sorry about that), but one of the joys of the Internet is infinite shelf space; check it out! Get Published …

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Breaking the Bubble

Breaking the Bubble

People don’t believe me anymore when I tell them I’m shy. “But you’re so outgoing!” They’ll say. “You never seem to have trouble interacting with anyone!” But they don’t know it’s all an act. There’s lots of comics floating around on the Internet explaining what it’s like to be an introvert. Until I read them, …

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Taking the Leap

Taking the Leap

There seems to be an eternal debate between Traditional Publishing and Self-publishing. People will argue over which is ‘better,’ with certain camps believing adamantly that self-publication ‘doesn’t count.’ I’m not here to throw my two cents into the ring; it’s obvious where my opinion falls. Suffice to say, there are advantages and disadvantages to each …

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Going Overboard

Going Overboard

Remember a few months ago when I mentioned our obsession with stuff? I’d like to believe it grows out of good intentions. The fact is, when you buy something big and expensive, you want to show it off. You’re proud that you were able to acquire this big, expensive thing, and you want people to …

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To Boldly Go

To Boldly Go

I mentioned a few weeks ago that Star Trek, in many of its incarnations, is one of my all-time favorite TV shows. One of my first blog posts detailed the inspiration and lessons I picked up from watching Doctor Who. When I stop to think about it, Star Trek has taught me so much more. …

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