Tag: Geekery

Sicily’s Famous Clock Tower

Sicily’s Famous Clock Tower

After we finished our extended trip at sea, our next stop was Sicily. It is the largest and most populated island in the Mediterranean Sea. And it’s located just to the west of the toe of Italy’s boot shape. It is separated from the continent by the Strait of Messina, and its most prominent landmark …

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A Turkish Cultural Experience

A Turkish Cultural Experience

During my last travel blog, I described the day we spent in Turkey visiting Ephesus, the 4th largest city of the ancient world. But our day wasn’t over when we boarded the bus to return to the ship. Our guide announced that we had a cultural experience in store for us. And it certainly was …

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In the Shadow of the Acropolis

In the Shadow of the Acropolis

It’s been awhile since I wrote a travel blog. Prior to the pandemic, my husband and I traveled with fair regularity. But since the start of the pandemic, out of necessity, all of our trips have been short and mostly involved visiting with family. Speaking of family, we’ve been trying to put together a bigger …

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Living in a Dice Hoarder’s Paradise

Living in a Dice Hoarder’s Paradise

I’ve written extensively about rediscovering my love for Dungeons and Dragons. The onset of digital toolsets designed to accommodate long-distance groups has certainly assisted. They grew particularly popular and well supported during the pandemic. One thing I haven’t talked about is the most frustrating aspect of the game for me: failed rolls. I’ve never crunched …

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The Critical Importance of a TTRPG Session Zero

The Critical Importance of a TTRPG Session Zero

I have often thought that writing a novel and planning a Tabletop RPG campaign aren’t all that different. Both start with the same process – gathering your characters and establishing your setting. I often spend several weeks before I begin the outlining process considering the major places my characters might encounter. And I try to …

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Freebie Mondays: Meet the Lost One

Freebie Mondays: Meet the Lost One

Not all who wander are lost… Every traveler knows to be wary when passing through Quequena, especially in winter. Though the forest grows thick and lush during the summer months, and rains fall gentle during spring and fall, snow makes the pathways treacherous. And when they fall into their long months of hibernation, the trees …

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