Influence Maps

Influence Maps

Influence maps are a popular exercise among artists. The basic concept is to make a collage of all the art and artists who have influenced and inspired your work. A friend of mine made a book cover influence map to show the authors and series which have influenced her writing. I suppose an equivalent exercise …

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A Touch of Nostalgia

A Touch of Nostalgia

I try not to talk to much about my personal life in this blog. It’s boring, and I’m sure most people don’t care. I prefer to stick to more interesting topics, like books, writing and video games. But this blog is, at times, a record of significant moments in my life. Fair warning, this post …

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Ask Three Before Asking Me

Ask Three Before Asking Me

My husband is a high school English teacher. I’ve drawn from his experience in the classroom before, and I’m doing it again. Pretty much every teenager (myself included) drags themselves through high school believing they’ll never use a tenth of the information being pounded into their heads. And while it’s true that much of your …

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Lasers, Phasers and Blasters, oh my!

Lasers, Phasers and Blasters, oh my!

I recently wrote about my favorite magical doodads, which are a staple of fantasy fiction. My other favorite genre is science-fiction. I don’t need magic. If it gets me far enough away, or has interesting enough mechanics, sci-fi keeps me just as entertained. And hey, science! Bonus! Much like the fantasy genre, what you tend …

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Artificial Flavors

Artificial Flavors

I hate cooking. I really do. Part of it could be that I never really learned how to cook ‘properly.’ I probably never learned because I didn’t want to. I don’t know why my teenaged self thought it wasn’t important (since I cooked then almost as much as I do now; I just didn’t choose …

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Moonbeams in a Jar

Moonbeams in a Jar

One of the greatest things about fantasy settings are the magic thingamabobs floating around making the world interesting. One of the best moments in a video game is discovering an item with a magical effect. It’s even better in D&D, where magical items are often more difficult to find, despite the impressive list you can …

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An Acquired Skill

An Acquired Skill

Discipline is a hot topic among writers. Until I started reading the blogs of other writers, I never realized how important a concept it is, especially for those of us just starting out, trying to break into the professional world. It’s obvious the most important step in the writing process is to write. Writing often …

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Hi there everyone! I’ve been faithfully blogging for a couple of months now and I appreciate everyone who has dropped by to browse or leave a message. I wanted to leave this message here for anyone who visits faithfully so you’ll know I haven’t forgotten about you all the next few weeks. :) I have, …

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Gotta Raise ‘Em Right

Gotta Raise ‘Em Right

People often say ‘they don’t make them like they used to.’ They usually say it in reference to anything from houses to cars to headphones. I usually say it in regards to cartoons. In the west, we have this idea that cartoons are for kids (that’s the topic of a whole other blog post). Now …

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A Road Less Traveled

A Road Less Traveled

I’ve never been interested in competitive gaming. I held my own in gym class in high school when we were forced to play sports, but in the realm of video games, I’ve never liked going up against other people. For me, it may have something to do with being a writer. Investing time and energy …

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