Light of Eternity

Light of Eternity

Chapter Two of the Eternity’s Empire Saga

~Kindle / Kindle Unlimited~

Erica’s friends have magical powers. But no ancient goddess chose to work through her.

The morning after the attack, no one else seems to recall the bizarre encounter. Erica wonders if she’s gone crazy, but her friends are certain it’s all real. On top of her precarious position at the dig, Erica worries her next misstep could be a death sentence. Worst of all, she’s powerless to help her new friends set things straight.

When disaster strikes again, Erica is determined not to play the damsel in distress. But what can she do? Is determination enough to stand against the wicked forces destroying her life?

United by these strange circumstances, Erica’s friends have pledged to protect her, and the rest of the site, from whatever trouble strikes. But are they strong enough to deal with this new threat?

Eternity’s Empire is a series of short stories following the adventures of Erica and her friends which began in Crystal Shrouded Goddess. Each is about 10,000 words long.

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